540-767-6675 info@svcr.org

SVCR offers three kinds of residential programs, all of which provide supervision and support to individuals with intellectual disabilities who wish to live in their community. In each program, our goal is to maximize each person’s level of independence.

The Group Home Program provides supervision 24 hours per day, seven days a week by residential staff, including awake overnight staff. Currently, SVCR operates five group homes in Winchester and Frederick County, three of which serve men, two of which serve women. Staff work with clients on their individual outcomes to include but not limited to:

  • Work and alternatives
  • Learning and other pursuits
  • Community and interests
  • Relationships (develop and maintain)
  • Home and life skills
  • Transportation and travel
  • Money management
  • Health and safety


Each resident has his/her own bedroom which can be decorated according to their own personal styles and choices.

The Supervised Living Residential Service is designed for individuals who have demonstrated the capability of being left alone in their apartment, unsupervised, for a minimum of several days and are capable, in the event of an emergency, of contacting staff or accessing other emergency systems (e.g., 911). Specialized staff supervision and instruction in independent living skills is provided for about 10 – 15 hours per resident per week. Unlike the Group Home Program, there is no staff supervision during overnights or on the weekends.

Our Supportive In-Home Service provides educational and training opportunities to clients in their own homes or apartments in the Winchester area. They might live in their own independent apartment and need help with financial management, or live at home with their parents and need help learning how to select weather-appropriate clothing or arise without prompts by using an alarm clock. Our focus is on improving the client’s independent living skills, regardless of their degree of dependence or independence when they contract for our services.

We also offer Associated Support Services to our clients such as transportation to and from appointments and recreational or leisure activities. SVCR can also serve as an Organizational Representative Payee.

“I like to live in my home. I like being in SVCR because they help me with my checkbook and to be independent. They help me lose weight and help me a lot with my diet and menu planning. SVCR has understanding staff and I get to go on outings and do fun things.”
— Resident