540-767-6675 info@svcr.org


FAQ for Donors


Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes. Shenandoah Valley Community Residences, Inc. has been designated a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Donors may deduct contributions in accordance with the Code.

How can I help?

There are many ways you can help:

  • Cash contributions help us to operate programs and to purchase and maintain homes and vehicles.
  • Donations of securities help us grow our resources toward major purchases.
  • Donations of furniture, appliances, and vehicles are welcome.
  • Vacation home use helps us provide outings to our clients.
  • Gifts of professional services are also welcome.
Do you have a current wish list of things SVCR needs?

Please click here for a current wish list.

Are you looking for volunteers?

Yes, we are interested in expanding our Board. We also look for people who wish to share their hobbies with our clients.

How does my donation help?

Your cash donations are generally used to (a) cover the cost of new or replacement items for our homes, (b) pay for client activities, or (c) to reduce our home mortgages. Property or vehicle donations are either used to expand our services or they can be sold, with proceeds going to current needs.

FAQ for Parents


Our son/daughter has been living at home, but is eager to live independently. How do we determine whether he/she is a good candidate for a group home with SVCR?

First, he or she must want to receive services from SVCR and be at least 18 years old. Prospective clients must then demonstrate, through a comprehensive evaluation process, a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability and provide:

  • Documentation that includes (minimally) medical and social histories,
  • Psychological and psychiatric evaluations,
  • Evaluation from any previous residential placements, and
  • Medically certified documentation of communicable disease status.

Individuals must be ambulatory, with the ability to exit the residential facility under his/her own locomotion, including stairs if necessary. In addition, they must have basic self-help skills (i.e., toileting, bathing, dressing, and eating) and be enrolled or have written evidence of acceptance into a full time day program, which can include but not be limited to: school, work/employment (either sheltered, supported, or competitive), volunteer work, or psychosocial/social rehabilitative.  (Exception  If the applicant is retired from work/Day Program activities, and SVCR, with the assistance of the applicant’s Support Coordinator and others on the Person-Centered Planning Team, is able to accommodate the applicant in his/her choice of retirement, then the stipulation to be enrolled or have written evidence of acceptance into a full time day program shall not apply.)

They must not require skilled nursing or maternity care, nor pose physical harm to self or others. Further, we do not accept individuals with a history of chronic violent or aggressive behavior towards self or others due to behavioral, emotional or psychotic disturbance.

Your son or daughter must be eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, or some other third party insurance for medical expenses. The applicant will be responsible for all medical costs not covered by insurance. Finally, they need to have some basis of financial income and agree to pay fees and deposits based on the prescribed SVCR fee policies.

What is the average cost of care?
Group Home

Monthly fees for room, board, and general supervision are calculated annually, based on the client’s most recent W-2’s, Social Security Administration Notification of Benefits, and/or any other earned and unearned income. If total net income changes more than 10%, fees will be re-calculated.  To cover personal expenses, clients retain a minimum of $150 monthly from all sources of income.

Clients, or their guardians, shall be required, when possible, to provide medical insurance coverage and pay for all medical expenses not included in that coverage.

Clients, or their guardians, shall also be responsible for clothing, recreational expenses, and other sundry needs.

In short, clients are required to pay when they have the financial resources to do so.

Supervised Living Residential Services:

Clients pay rent to SVCR on a monthly basis.  The cost of rent will be divided equally among the occupants of each apartment unit.  All clients living in an apartment unit share the costs for electricity, basic telephone, cable TV, refuse removal, and food staples.  Individual long distance telephone calls and special interest food purchases will be the financial responsibility of each client.

Utilities are placed in the names of clients living in each apartment unit, so clients may establish a credit history to help them if they should choose to move to their own apartment later on. Monthly fees for support services shall be based on the earned and unearned income of each client, and range from $25 for clients whose monthly net income is less than $650, to $475  for clients whose monthly net income is greater than $1500 .

How long can my son/daughter stay in a program with SVCR?

Individuals can choose to remain in SVCR programs for life, as long as they follow the rules and expectations and their needs can be met adequately and safely in one of our residential programs.

What can my son/daughter learn in a program with SVCR?

He/she will learn such activities of daily living as cooking, laundry, household chores, medication management, and money management. In addition, he/she will gain skills to integrate into the community by learning how to ride public transit and attend community recreational events and activities. In addition, each client will have an individual service plan written annually to support outcomes that include all their wants, needs and goals annually.

How do we submit an application?

Before being considered, clients need to be determined to be eligible for the Community Services Board’s Case Management service. Therefore, the first step is to contact your local Community Services Board to schedule an Intake Meeting. Once eligibility is confirmed, a family member or the prospective client can complete the SVCR Client Application.

How often can I visit my son/daughter/family member?

We do not place specific limits on visitation. However, since the goal is for the clients to understand that SVCR is their home – and that they share responsibilities with all the other housemates – you should avoid too many visits to the SVCR residence. Similarly, you should not take your family member to your home too frequently. SVCR encourages family involvement and visits. Please work with the team to arrange visits to avoid conflict with scheduled activities.

FAQ for Prospective Board Members
What do you like about being a board member?

Kathie Gregg,  former SVCR Board President,  shared this, “I have been a board member for many years.  It is truly a humbling experience to watch a resident grow and blossom in a safe, pleasant environment where they are encouraged to be the very best person they can be, both physically and mentally.”

I respect what SVCR does and would like to consider becoming a board member. What would the time expectations be?

Typically, you would spend only two to three hours a month. Occasionally, if we participate in or plan a major fundraising event, you would spend more time.

How long are the terms for board members?

Terms are two years.

How often does the board meet?

The Board meets once monthly. Sub-committees schedule meetings as needed.

How can I learn more about SVCR to help me make a decision?

Stacey Umbenour, our Executive Director, would be happy to speak with you. Please contact her at (540) 536-0337 or staceyumbenour@svcr.org.

Find out more about developmental disabilities, as well as services available to individuals and their families with these disabilities.