540-767-6675 info@svcr.org

Shenandoah Valley Community Residences, Inc.

Helping people with developmental
disabilities attain independence.



(for detailed information, please click here)


We have a number of criteria that we consider in determining whether or not applicants will be a good fit for our program.

First, they must be at least 18 years old, choose to receive services from SVCR, and demonstrate a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability.

They must also provide medical and social histories, psychological and psychiatric evaluations, and evaluation from previous residential placements. Some of these evaluations must have been completed within one year of application review.

For safety reasons, they must not pose physical harm to self or others. They must also be ambulatory and able to exit the residential facility under their own locomotion, including stairs if necessary, in response to emergency situations.

We also expect residents to have such basic self help skills as toileting, bathing, dressing, and eating.

They must be eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, or some other third party insurance for medical expenses, with some basis of financial income and agree to pay fees and deposits based on the prescribed SVCR fee policies.



To be considered for admission to an SVCR Supervised Living Residential Service (apartment), applicants must meet all the criteria for group home admission, as well as be able to be left alone unsupervised for a minimum of several days.

They must also be able to contact staff or access other emergency systems (e.g., 911), in the event of an emergency. In addition, they must be capable of learning how to use public transportation.

All clients must take care of property, show respect for others’ rights and privacy, and pay his/her bills in a responsible manner.

Pivotal to this program is the client’s sense of partnership with SVCR in moving toward the greatest level of independence possible. This requires all individuals to have an understanding of the basic goals of the program and agree to participate in planning that will help them move toward increasing independence.



Supportive In-Home Services are available to persons with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability.   A few hours per week or per month, according to the need, SVCR staff can provide skills training, transportation, financial management, or coordination of medical appointments as identified and agreed upon in the individual’s planning process.

Supportive In-Home Services can be provided to:

  • People, age 18 and older, with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability;
  • Individuals and families serving as direct care providers for people, age 18 and older, with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability; or
  • Agencies and organizations providing services to people, age 18 and older, with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability.